Media Kit
AudioEye Brand Assets
Thanks for your interest in AudioEye. We have a few guidelines for using our brand resources. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with them.
"AudioEye" is one word, spelled in camel case where the "A" in audio and the "E" in eye are both capitalized. However, our logo mark shows the name as all lowercase, no spaces.
We always pair our company name with the AudioEye symbol. Be sure to include the trademark (™) symbol after the first mention of AudioEye. The trademark does not need to be included on future mentions.
When placing our logo on a dark background, use the reverse version which utilizes our green to ensure appropriate color contrast. You can also use an all white version on dark backgrounds.
AudioEye's primary color palette includes White (#FFFFFF) and then three other colors called Off Black, Purple 500, and Green 500.
This is a friendly legal reminder that these graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws.
Please do
Provide plenty of space around the AudioEye logo. Make them big, make them small, just give them the chance to breathe and not feel cluttered.
Please don’t
- Alter these files in any way
- Display these graphics in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by AudioEye of your product, service, or business
- Use these graphics as part of your own product, business, or service’s name
- Combine these graphics with any other graphics without written consent from AudioEye
Please do not alter the AudioEye logo or symbol.